"Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook" is a comprehensive collection of algorithms and data structures that also covers many theoretical issues. It offers a balanced perspective that reflects the needs of practitioners, including emphasis on applications within discussions on theoretical issues. Chapters include information on finite precision issues as well as discussion of specific algorithms where algorithmic techniques are of special importance, including graph drawing, robotics, forming a VLSI chip, vision and image processing, data compression, and cryptography. The book also presents some advanced topics in combinatorial optimization and parallel/distributed computing applications areas where algorithms and data structuring techniques are of special importance; graph drawing robot algorithms VLSI layout vision and image processing algorithms scheduling electronic cash data compression; dynamic graph algorithms; on-line algorithms; multidimensional data structures; and cryptography advanced topics in combinatorial optimization and parallel/distributed computing. Unique coverage of "Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook" makes it an essential reference for researchers and practitioners in these applications areas.