Brazilian fiction in the early 21st century is an intriguing book. A broad-scoped, pleasant read, it competently and creatively focuses on contemporary, recognized and award-winning Brazilian authors. This book certainly enriches such a traditional literature as ours, where not many Literature scholars address contemporary times and are capable of discussing it in such a way as to strike a dialogue not only with researchers and experts, but also with the ordinary reader with literary interests. The essays discuss various means our novelists employ to recreate Brazil today. The diversity comprehends themes such as identity, fictionalized memory and biography, or the social degradation that erodes living conditions in the big cities. Whether fragmentary or more traditional in their narrative work, the texts are analyzed in their full poetics and the rich writing that captures readers and leads to reflection. Through the readings of the authors featured in this book, Adriana Lisboa, Adriana Lunardi, Alberto Mussa, Bernardo Carvalho, Daniel Galera, Luiz Ruffato, Marçal Aquino, Milton Hatoum, Moacyr Scliar, Nelson de Oliveira and Ronaldo Correia de Brito find new angles on their works. And these new angles extend an invitation to new readers and fresh readings.