Carnivorous mammals show a vast range of morphological, ecological and behavioural characteristics. Morphologically, body size ranges from that of small weasles to that of the gigantic polar bear. Ecologically, they inhabit every habitat or vegetational zone, from short grassland, to sparse woodland, desert, thick forest and the sea. Behaviourally, some exhibit solitary living, others have monogamous pairs, while others group in extended packs. As a result, they are of interest to a very wide range of biologists. This book represents a current and comprehensive volume available on carnivore biology. It concentrates on terrestrial members of the mammalian order Carnivora. Most chapters address specific themes, drawing on examples of many different carnivores, while others focus on specific groups such as hyenas, weasles or pandas. It is anticipated that this book should remain the standard work on this subject for many years. This book should be of interest to final year undergraduates and researchers in mammalogy, animal behaviour, ecology and evolution.