Three world-renowned experts provide comprehensive scientific coverage of this first known plant disease caused by a bacterium. Fire blight is present in 47 countries and affects many common host plants in the rose family worldwide. Although enormous progress has been made against the disease, it remains a devastating and difficult problem to control in certain locations under optimum weather conditions and agricultural scientists must remain diligent. It is expected that the disease may eventually spread around the globe to all countries growing pome fruit, and the knowledge presented here will be an important first line of defense. This nearly 500-page book includes a history of the disease, plus detailed information about the biology, epidemiology, and host-pathogen interactions, as well as horticultural, chemical, and biological control management strategies. It includes important coverage of the discovery of pathogenicity and virulence genes, induced resistance, and the variability and diversity of the bacterial pathogen. These research advances offer promise for controlling the disease, where the traditional studies of epidemiology and conventional chemical or biological control have been unsuccessful. An addendum chapter compiling most of the literature covering phytobacteriological and molecular techniques for quick and easy reference is included. The book will be especially useful to scientists beginning work on this disease and essential wherever scientists and the growers they serve are fighting its devastating effects on the economically important crops of pear and apple.