This publication provides a complete and integrated presentation of the fields of fractals and point processes, from definitions and measures to analysis and estimation. The authors skillfully demonstrate how fractal-based point processes, established as the intersection of these two fields, are tremendously useful for representing and describing a wide variety of diverse phenomena in the physical and biological sciences. Topics range from information-packet arrivals on a computer network to action-potential occurrences in a neural preparation. The authors begin with concrete and key examples of fractals and point processes, followed by an introduction to fractals and chaos. Point processes are defined, and a collection of characterizing measures are presented. With the concepts of fractals and point processes thoroughly explored, the authors move on to integrate the two fields of study. Mathematical formulations for several important fractal-based point-process families are provided, as well as an explanation of how various operations modify such processes. The authors also examine analysis and estimation techniques suitable for these processes. Finally, computer network traffic, an important application used to illustrate the various approaches and models set forth in earlier chapters, is discussed.