A massive compendium covering all aspects of the Harley-Davidson phenomenon. Thousands of full-color, glossy photos grace the 528 pages of this ten pound, oversized volume. This great book tells the story of the Milwaukee company through a catalog of the bikes that have brought Harley-Davidson success, right up to the most recent models, and also investigates the work of HD customizers who turn a mechanical wonder into a moving sculpture. At first a convenient means of transport, the motorcycle became a cult object. In fat, a legend has grown up around Harley-Davison motorcycles. They have become a trophy, a monument on two wheels whose myth has transcended one hundred years of American history, attracting generations of motorcycling enthusiasts throughout the world. This volume brings together the best of these two books about Harley-Davidson, with wonderful photographs and inside anecdotes on a trip that traces one of the 20th century's most vibrant myths. The first part tells the story of the Milwaukee company through a catalog of the bikes that have brought Harley-Davidson success, right up to the most recent models, and describes and illustrates the production process and the highly original, innovative technological solutions the company has engineered. The second part investigates the work of HD customizers like Arlen Ness, Cyril Huze, and their colleagues, who turn a mechanical wonder into a moving sculpture.