The book “Interactive Music Therapy with Patients Undergoing Assisted Fertilization“ by Prof. Dr. Eliamar A. Fleury Ferreira, Prof. Associated, EMAC (School of Music and Performing Arts) of the Federal University of Goiás, came to fill a gap in Assisted Fertilization in Brazil. This therapy, evaluated and proven effective through a Doctoral Thesis, is here transformed into a book. It was effective in supporting infertile patients. Many patients find themselves fragile when they discover that they will have difficulty getting pregnant. When they undergo assisted fertilization (IVF and ICSI) and fail to achieve their goal of generating children, they fall into depression and psychological support in general and in particular with music therapy is essential. Thus, the patients treated at the Human Reproduction Center (LabRep) of the Hospital das Clínicas of the Federal University of Goiás had the privilege of being assisted by Prof. Eliamar to overcome this obstacle in their lives. The book illustrates the techniques of application of music therapy, includes interviews with patients and the methodology for statistical evaluation of treatment results. It reviews the literature, approaching concepts of infertility, assisted fertilization techniques and the Laboratory of Assisted Reproduction at UFG. There is also a chapter on stress and its effects on reproductive function, with questionnaires used in the evaluation of patients. In another chapter, it addresses music, music therapy in general health and in particular in gynecology, obstetrics and assisted reproduction. It will undoubtedly be of great use in this area of human knowledge. Good reading! Mário Approbato Doctor USP-FMRP. Professor of Gynechology and Obstetrics FM-UFG. Director of the Center of Assisted Reproduction at the HC/FM-UFG.