Gerald Appel, a world famous author and lecturer on investing and market timing, shows which investments provide the best returns in varying economic climates, how to recognize and take advantage of investment opportunities overseas as well as investment opportunities within the United States. Read specific strategies for identifying the strongest mutual funds and stock market sectors as well as strategies for periods when interest rates either rise or fall. Opportunity Investing provides tools to identify periods when stocks and/or other investment options are likely to advance, periods when market outlooks are more cloudy, and strategies that suggest changes in portfolio allocation that may be made accordingly. Other areas discussed include real estate, precious metals and other commodities, and investments that bring in high and steady levels of income. Readers will learn which forms of investment produce the best returns depending upon the general market climate. And finally, Appel identifies specific areas of investment with strategies for retirement investment. Areas covered include foreign stocks and bonds as well as domestic securities, real estate, commodities, government issues, open and closed end mutual funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs) and more.