Object Relational Mapping (ORM) has been a huge part of software development in other areas of the programming market for a long time (most notably in Java with Hibernate). The popularity of third-party tools such as nHibernate for Windows development shows that Windows developers are aware of these techniques and eager to try them, but until now there have been no native tools released by Microsoft to give them easy access to this methodology. With the release of Visual Studio 2008 this is changing and native tools are now available for the first time through the new LINQ data access layer resulting in great interest amongst .NET developers. This book aims to give experienced .NET developers a thorough grounding in Object Relational Mapping methodologies and show how LINQ can be used to achieve them. It is split into two parts. The first provides a detailed explanation of the key concepts and technologies, while the second brings them to life in a detailed fictional case study using an architecture that can be easily adapted to a wide range of reader’s circumstances.