Statistical mechanics/thermodynamics is the discipline that mathematically connects the thermodynamics with classical and quantum mechanics. The traditional curricula of physics, chemistry, and engineering require this trilogy of areas whereas the mathematics curriculum does not. Dorlas (Univ. of Wales, Swansea) developed this specialized book for introducing mathematics students to statistical mechanics and hence the necessary inclusion of introductions to thermodynamics (part 1, 17 of 35 chapters) and quantum mechanics (chapter 18 and appendix B). Statistical mechanical fundamentals (part 2, nine chapters) and simple model physical systems (part 3, nine chapters) complete this work.The approach is mathematical rather than empirical/experimental, as shown by the extended discussion of the convexity of many of the thermodynamic functions, the large-deviation theory for systems with multiple energy levels, and the detailed treatment of many of the underlying theore! ms of the physical disciplines. Problem sets; further readings. An introductory, mathematically orientated work suitable for upper-division undergraduates through professionals. -J.F. Belliveau, Providence College.