'Veronese's' paintings have enjoyed great popularity up to thepresent day, with a reputation for exquisite technical skillreflected in intricately detailed depictions of dress patterns andthe human body. But critics have long neglected the subtleraspect of Veronese's work, a virtuosity as storyteller that inspiredmany of his religious paintings with great narrative force. Thiscomprehensive study of Veronese examines every stage inhis career, from the first major fresco cycles at the churchof StSebastiano in Venice and the decorations at the VillaMaser through to his last work at the Doge's Palace, and highlights the wealth of motifs and techniques that were to be of formative importance to the Pre-Raphaelites. With more than 60 colour plates and detailed notes on all reproductions, Veronese is the essential introduction to a painter of seminal importance to the development of Italian art in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.