Every spring, Randy Cepuch spends a weekend wtih Warren Buffett. Mr. Buffett shares what he thinks of the world these days, provides an annual dose of common sense, and then sends him out the door. In general, it's an exercise that helps Cepuch stayout of serious trouble as an investor.Oh, it's not just Cepuch and Buffett -- there are 20,000 or so other people, all of whom are investors of Berkshire Hathaway, a huge conglomerate that sells everything from insurance to ice cream, and they flockto Omaha every spring for the company's shareholder meeting festivities. As Berkshire's CEO, Buffett takes on six hours' worth of any and all questions from the investors, riffing on life, love, and accounting, and more than anything, he makes sure that everyone feels welcome. When a shy woman prefaces her query apologetically, noting that she owns just a single share, Buffett responds, "Between us, we own the majority of the company.In addition to a great deal of smart advice, the book is fullofamusing anectdotes and stories, and a useful guide for the amateur shareholder as well as the seasoned investor.