Designed as a introductory text, World Music: A Global Journey introduces students to the diversity of musical expression around the world. Written for those with no background in music notation or theory, the book is modeled on a series of guided trips around the musical world. Written in layperson's language, with ample illustrations including maps, photographs, and musical examples, this book introduces an entire world of music of students. For those taking a single semester survey course, professors can choose to select areas highlighted in the text; others taking a more comprehensive two-semester course will find ample material here for an entire year of study. Beyond its engaging text, the book is illustrated throughout and includes two four-color inserts. There are many photographs--taken by the authors and other leading ethnomusicologists--illustrating musicians, places, musical instruments, and performances. The design includes icons that make finding definitions, key examples, and related text easy. The book is packaged with three CDs, giving full versions of many of the musical examples highlighted in the text.